The MyGift Lifestyle Blog


  • | Emily Huber

    How To Reduce Your Screen Time In 5 Easy Steps

    We use a computer during our work day, enjoy our TV series in the evening, and play computer games. But who has time to take a screen free break? With these 5 steps, you can take a break from the screen while still being productive!


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  • | Emily Huber

    The Perfect Stew

    With spring just around the corner and the ground beginning to thaw, those cold days are few and far between. But while they linger, we’ve come up with the perfect soup to comfort you for the remainder of the cold weather, and all the accessories needed. View Post
  • | Emily Huber

    The perfect Living Room Decoration

    No matter if you’re looking to completely renovate your living room or for a quick sprucing up, here are some tips to help you make the living room your family’s favorite room in the house!

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